As researchers, we learn from many sources…

As researchers work on new projects, part of our job is to identify research that has taken place previously, to understand and summarize the results from that research, and to integrate knowledge from that work into our own research. Researchers on the “Foundations for Student Persistence and Success in Inuit Nunangat” project have compiled a working bibliography of about 300 sources of earlier publications about Inuit education. To take a look at some of the research that’s been published, follow the link below.

The sources include books, chapters, journal articles, research reports, annotated bibliographies, opinion papers, discussion papers, organizational reports, legislation, and policies. Authors include Inuit activists; Inuit organizations; Inuit teachers and educational leaders; governments; and academics. The content of the sources reflects the many sides of Inuit student persistence and success, including national statistics, pedagogy, assessment, early childhood education, K-12 education, post-secondary, transitions, teacher training, community involvement, language and identity, and others. The research took place in Northwest Territories (Inuvialuit Settlement Region), Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, Alaska and Greenland.

Hyperlinks to full text sources are provided where available. Further full text sources are available through the private, interactive, shared research group library available to Akuttujuuk members at:

Of course these are only some of the sources. If you have a publication on Inuit education that isn’t listed, please let us know in the comments section.

We also acknowledge that a great deal of knowledge about Inuit education is in the minds and stories of those who are working directly with Inuit students. Part of our research is to listen to and draw out those stories, and to create space for conversations to take place between knowledgeable individuals. We will continue using this blog to share some of those stories.

Click to access Working Bibliography on Inuit Student Perseverance and Success

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