Culturally nourishing or culturally sustaining pedagogies are ways of teaching that reclaim and revitalize aspects of culture disrupted by colonial education (McCarty & Lee, 2014). In this series of videos, Inuit teacher Colleen Pottle, retired Inuit teacher Ola Andersen, and Indigenous Program Specialist Shannon Dicker speak about the design, delivery, and impacts of professional learning (PL) workshops in June 2022 for teachers in Inuit schools. The workshops used language, land, Elders, and local resources (Moore et al., 2017) as a foundation for culturally nourishing learning. Teachers shared challenges and opportunities in offering Inuit-centred pedagogies, and collaboratively came up with suggestions for culturally relevant learning activities in pursuit of K-12 learning outcomes, as well as suggestions for creating culturally nourishing school culture and climate.
The professional learning workshop delivery and analysis was conducted as part of a SSHRC-funded research project, led by Dr. Sylvia Moore, along with Dr. Shelley Tulloch, Dr. Kathy Snow, and Dr. Nicholas Welch, in partnership with the Nunatsiavut Government and Newfoundland and Labrador English School District.
Click below to listen to Colleen Pottle, Ola Andersen, and Shannon Dicker describe the design, delivery, and impacts of professional learning (PL) workshops for teachers in Inuit schools.